
Class Day 4/20/18 part 2


Class day 4/20/18




Movie Poster


Homework #5

Homework #5 This article was really interesting to read. Dustin Stanton's interview basically is about how he started his career and his journey throughout the years. He started in high school and he already knew his decision to be an art major. He was wanted to different jobs and productions. He enjoys the work he does and he continues to add and create new and different ideas with his work in posters. 

Movie Plot

Movie Title:  The Basement: Plot: A family, a mom, dad, and three kids moves into a new house in New Jersey. Everything seems fine until one day, when the parents weren't home, the three kids, Micah, Nathan, and Kaylee discover something. They discover a basement full with ocean amounts of applesauce. When they go down the basement, they swim around and explore and find a man named Apple with scuba gear and the kids find out that he lives down in the basement full of applesauce. However, the kids find out that Apple is actually a psychopath and a does not want anyone living in the basement with him. So every time a person discovers the basement, he kills the person by drowning him/her in the applesauce. Will the kids escape or will they die in the applesauce ocean?